Plan miasta Dumble

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Wizard Wars: And the Winner Is... - Featured by kendra - Harry b.../b

Talking about the flowers in spring in Laurelindorenan, bvacations/b on the beach, and smoking a pipe with a good book in front of a nice and cozy fire. But in battle, Gandalf would definitly win. No problem. Merlin is cool, too. b...../b I think Dubledore would definitley kick gandalfs butt. And bDumble/b dore would be Merciful which is not a weakness but a strength! It takes alot not to be taken in by ones emotions. So I have to say Dumbledore All The Freakin' Way! ...
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Rumor: Taiwanese firms awarded PS3 Slim manufacturing contracts

The timing also makes sense, as Japan actually buys most of its game consoles during the summer bvacation/b period (as opposed to the winter holidays in the west). Still, all of this info comes from anonymous sources, so take it with a very hearty helping of salt. Assuming the news is true, it would mesh well with the PS3 Slim rumors we've heard so far, b...../b sc00by_y00 @ Jul 1st 2009 12:52AM. but what about bdumble/b dee and notorious grime ? vote up vote down Report 2 hearts ...
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